For any retailer, windows are like billboards for your stores. If used effectively they can persuade customers to enter your store, increase product sales and enhance the image of your brand. There is a bit of an art to creating effective window displays, from the colours and quantity of products to use to the depth and position of your props.
Here are seven essential elements that every window display needs:
1 // Merchandise
You can easily be distracted by an abundance of props but don’t lose sight of the products you want to feature. Choose merchandise that links to your display theme and choose accessories for up-selling products. For these chosen products, make sure they are on display inside near the door to make it easy for customers.
2 // Props
Props are used to complement the merchandise. You can use mannequins to display clothes, shelving and boxes to place smaller items higher up, cut-out graphics to give depth or hanging photography to enhance your brand style.
3 // Messaging
Your key message should be the first thing you think about before creating any display. Is it a ‘25% OFF Sale’ display? Or is it to promote the new stock you have in for summer? Keep the message clear and targeted at your target audience.
4 // Large graphics
Remember that a window is YOUR advertising space, so use it well! You can add key messages to large format graphics to highlight the theme. Fabric backdrops can give your display context, whilst Gallery Wraps are a low-cost, lightweight solution to add photography to your displays.
5 // Interactivity
We are continuing to see lots of interactivity on the high-street, with retailers using image recognition and augmented reality technology in-store but this can also be used in window displays to draw consumers in. You could fit window graphics that when scanned can display a fashion show model wearing the outfits on the mannequin. Or an image that takes them to your website page to purchase the product directly.
6 // Lighting
Lighting is key to ensuring that your window displays can be viewed 24 hours a day. You could choose overhead lighting but this might create shadows whereas spotlights create focal points to draw attention. You could also use coloured lights to create moods to match your theme.
7 // Interior
Consider your window display from the inside. An open backed display means that you could potentially lose a lot of wall space that could be used for merchandise. Double fronted backdrop systems provide you with additional wall space to display your products using a range of fixtures and fittings such as shelving to display shoes or accessories.
Window display graphics
Here at Cestrian, we are specialists in creating effective window display graphics, from design and production to guiding you through the installation. Our expertise in large format digital printing and expertise in the retail sector means that you can rely on our team to ensure your window displays stand out on the high-street.