Free Standing Display Units (FSDUs) are a very familiar sight in high-street retailers and supermarkets and it is no surprise that brands pay substantial amounts to retailers for prime locations in-store. FSDUs are, as the name suggests, free-standing display structures in which products can be presented so they are separate from the other shelf products. They act as a promotional tool to be viewed by the bulk of passing shoppers and guarantee that they will draw the interest of prospective customers.
In terms of ROI, FSDUs are a cost effective method of in-store promotions. They are usually made from cardboard so aren’t expensive to produce or replace and they can be made in any size so as to hold a high number of products. Bisto Foods installed FSDUs in a number of supermarkets, a few years back, promoting seasoning mixes in the fresh meat aisle and increased sales by 66%.
Despite the success of these display units you still only have a very short window to make an impression and encourage the impulse buy. So how can you ensure that your FSDU is attracting the most attention?
FSDU designs and techniques are constantly evolving and everyone wants something different. Trends at the moment showcase bold colours and large brand names to give maximum impact.
Place FSDUs at the end of aisles or at tills so they can be seen clearly. Or position it next to matching products as an add-on e.g. sauces with BBQ food. By creating the shelving on a tilt, angling the product at the consumer at eye-level will also ensure higher visibility.
The display unit must deliver an appropriate message quickly and succinctly – so make your headline bold, simple and benefits-led.
The Customer
When deciding on the look of the FSDU, have a think about your customer first. Stores that cater for the high-end consumer should think about quality display units whereas price based stores could use more cost-effective materials.
Keep FSDUs looking better for longer by adding plastic skirting to the base of the units to protect them from wear and tear and daily cleaning.
The easier brands make it for retailers, the quicker the products will be on display. By employing an installation team to deliver, install and merchandise the unit, the speedier it will be out on the shop floor.
FSDU specialists
At Cestrian we love creating visual impact to lift your free standing display units that little bit higher – helping you stand out from the crowd.