Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Statement
This statement covers the business activities of Cestrian Imaging Ltd which are as follows:
Cestrian Imaging Limited is a specialises in producing large format brand communication using the latest print technology within the Retail / Outdoor and Exhibition market sectors.

- Whistleblowing policy – the Company encourages all its workers, customers, and other business partners to report any concerns related to its direct activities or its supply chains.
- Dignity and Respect at Work – The Code of Conduct sets down the actions and behaviour expected of employees when representing the Company.
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy – The Company’s CSR policy summaries how we work responsibly.
Due Diligence Processes for Slavery & Human Trafficking
Performance indicators
The Company uses key performance indicators CIF’s to measure how effective we are in ensuring slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in any part of our business or supply chains including requiring all relevant staff, including temporary labour to have completed training on use of labour monitoring and payroll systems.
This Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement will be regularly reviewed and updated as necessary.
HR endorses this policy statement and is fully committed to its implementation.