Have you noticed some of your friend’s profile pictures are looking a little ‘trippy’ recently? These hallucinogenic, crazy mutant animal images are the responsibility of Google’s Deep Dream software and based on Facebook’s use of neural networks to identify friends images. It’s all a bit techy, but in simple terms its algorithm can spot what it thinks are animals, it then filters and enhances the image until it actually
looks like an animal.
Fairly mind bending and fun to do a couple of times but that’s where its use ends, or is it? Some clever bods in Germany have taken it a step further, enabling computers to repaint a picture in the style of a famous artist, by cross-synthesizing photos with famous works of art.
Now some will criticise this and others will embrace it, we’re all about creating a visual experience here at Cestrian so I’m sure we will be generating our own masterpieces very soon! Using the latest in technology and software to deliver outstanding brand implementation for retail, outdoor and exhibitions, we help our clients create visual impact and powerful marketing through innovative print and exceptional