Are you looking for an attention-grabbing, low-cost solution to transform your in-store promotion or window display?
Used successfully throughout large retail chains, freestanding and hanging cut outs from Cestrian Imaging are an innovative way to catch your audience\’s attention and effectively promote products in-store. Made from corrugated fluted board or high density foamed PVC, retail display cut outs are the perfect way to bring your point of sale graphics or promotion to life.
Freestanding and hanging display cut outs are printed and finished using state-of-the-art large format digital printers and CAD cutting tables, to create high resolution, photo quality graphics at any size and shape.
They are Ideal for window displays, retail promotions, events and product launches.
- Have sturdy rear supports that can be folded up and stored flat or lightweight to hang anywhere.
- Can be customised by shape, style and volume
- Are cost-effective to suit any sort of budget
- Easy to dismantle and store
- Attention grabbing
Contact a member of our experience team today to discuss your retail strategy and together we can create a free standing display cut out to effectively promote your retail message. Alternatively, our specialist team will be able to discuss further retail printing solutions with to come up with a strategy that best fits your brand campaign.