Tackling Climate Change: COP26


The 26th UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) is being hosted in Glasgow from 31st October to 12th November 2021. COP26 stands for ‘Conference of the Parties’ and it refers to the decision-making body of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The conference is an opportunity for experts to come together to agree on coordinated action to tackle climate change.

But we can’t just rely on world leaders and experts to tackle climate change – we all have a part to play. Individuals, communities, schools, and businesses must all work together to protect our planet to create more sustainable future for us all.

At Cestrian we recognise the impact that our business has on the environment and it is imperative that we do the right thing. We are an action and results oriented business in everything we do and are always looking for ways to ‘make a difference’.

Making a Difference

There are several goals set to be achieved at COP26 and Cestrian are already working towards these through a number of initiatives. Here is what we are already on…

Carbon Offsetting

Protecting our natural habitats

Responsible Reporting & Communication

At Cestrian, we are continuously looking for new ways to improve the efficiency of our production and business processes throughout our supply chain to ease pressure on the environment. We’re incredibly proud of the work we have done to date on reducing our environmental impact, we:

For Cestrian, it is all about recycling, re-using, reducing or… just not doing it at all.

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